The Three Most Important Clauses

The Three Most Important Sentences

There are two important sentences, even three that are full of meaning, yet misconstrued, misused and really sound cliché.
These sentences are better understood by the egotistic and aristocratic and so they rarely use them unless they really mean it or it is a means to an end for their selfish interests. Many of us who use these words regularly have lost their innate meaning and so we do not care if we fail or not in fulfilling the promises and commitments that come with the sentences when they are used.
This is the easiest sentence/phrase/clause in my dictionary. As far as many of us are concerned, this clause does not necessarily mean we really are sorry. We just say it to get ‘the wronged’ off our backs and so we can live free afterwards. I woke up this morning and I was reflecting on the previous day and guess what, I was going to say “I’m sorry” to my God again like I do every day. Somehow, I began to reason why I just say this when I still kept at what I was sorry about. Then I realized that “I’m sorry” really didn’t mean a thing to me. It didn’t mean exactly what it really meant to me. I say I’m sorry because I knew that what I did was wrong and that I was not supposed to do them again but because I knew “I’m sorry” would make up for my wrongs, I didn’t care if I did it again because I could always say “I’m sorry”.
However, “I’m sorry” in its real sense means a commitment to not do the same wrong for which we are sorry again intentionally. When you want to say “I’m sorry”, always make sure you know what you are sorry about and why you are sorry. That way, you’d know if you are actually sorry and wouldn’t do it again. And only then would “Sorry” be enough to make up for the wrong.
This sentence/phrase/clause has become nothing but a simple courtesy. Whereas, in the real sense, “thank you” is a heartfelt approval, acceptance, acknowledgement and appreciation of what someone does to or for you. In all sense, it means more than mere courtesy.
People just say “thank you” and its other derivatives casually without meaning. Whenever else you want to say “thank you”, think first if you really care for what you are grateful about. If not, be nice enough to tell the giver that you appreciate their kind gesture but you really do not want the gift (in kind or whatever) and that they could offer their gifts to someone else who would appreciate it on your behalf. That really is not that hard. Is it?
This is another sentence/phrase/clause that has been misconstrued. This is one that is full of meaning and it communicates deep affection for another (family, friends, mentors, and everyone deserving). It is rather unfortunate that the sentence/phrase/clause is being used deceptively.
Have you ever wondered why these three sentences communicate much to the receiver/hearer of them? They believe them even when you nearly do not mean them. They would only not believe them on second thought when they consider the person who said them, how they said them and the situation in which they said them, reading in-between the lines for the intentions behind every word.

These three most important phrases/clauses/sentences have the ability to shape our world into an affectionate, caring and loving one wherein everyone watches out for one another and wants to see the best in one another.


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